Competitions: Results Windy City Invitational
Level 10
Ugne Dragunas 3rd AA, 2nd rope
Level 9
Lily Avila 1st AA, hoop, 2nd ball, clubs
Zoe Avila 4th AA, 2nd ball, 3rd rope
Jennifer Hillier 8th AA, 5th ball
Level 8
Patricija Ivanauskaite 2nd AA, 1st ball
Grace Kurtz-Nelson 8th AA, 4th floor
Emily Lin 5th AA, 4th hoop and ball
Naomi Skotnikov 2nd AA, hoop and ball
Level 7
Maddie Avila 6th AA, 3rd clubs
Nicole Khoma 5th AA, 1st clubs
Nika Kononov 3rd AA, 1st clubs
Tanya Shilshtut 10th AA, 4th ball
Jenna Zhao 2nd AA, ball